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25 October 2013

Created: 25 October 2013
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Maximize your time to monetize your business by Carole DeLaOsa

Scattering your efforts makes for a longer day. For professional success, maximizing your time is critical.

Here are a few tips to help you get the most out of your day.

Start your day early enough to include breakfast and exercise. Breakfast improves your concentration and productivity. Eating one hour within the time you wake up is a perfect way to get your metabolism going and will refuel your body and mind so that you start your day with a blast of energy.

Have Goals

There are four reasons why you don’t have goals.

1. Fear- What if they come true? Or What if they don’t? - Both are forms of sabotage. We all have fear in some form or another. The opportunity is to uncover where the fear is coming from. To find out what might be holding you back, make a list of what comes up when you think about creating goals? Time, Effort, Repeat

2. You don’t believe they work. This is a form of sabotage.It does take time to first create them however that’s usually just the first time. Somewhere between 10-30 minutes, after which the maintaining should be about 10 minutes a day. They produce what your vision is when you are consistent in your actions. The best way to start is to have two types of goals, long-term and short-term.

3. You do not know how to effectively write them down.On a sheet of paper create a large T and on one side write your long- term goals. These could look like what you would like to see in five years or what you want accomplished by the end of this year. On the other side write short-term goals these could be from 6 months from now till tomorrow. The next step is deconstructing them to completion, or what I like to say “working them backwards”- Here’s an example : If you have a book you want to read by the end of the month,working backwards look at the amount of pages and divide it by the amount of days in the month. This process would determine how many pages you must read daily to finish it by the end of the month. That type of process can be done with most any goal or task.

4. You lack confidence in yourself. Think back to a time when you were required to complete something, and you did it. I think back often to being a single mom and going back to school to complete my degree- it took time, I persevered and I succeeded. Using this analogy you will have your go-to thought when life tends to get in the way

I strongly suggest writing down your goals. When you do they become written history and a point of reference. As you complete each one put a checkmark next to it you might also include the date of completion. I guarantee you will feel elated. As you write them down, revise them daily or scratch them off entirely. By doing this it narrows your focus and will save you time. Keeping you on track to finish and create more opportunities.

Submitted by :

Carole Delaosa

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23 October 2013

Created: 23 October 2013
Category: /?id=45



 Some words of wisdom from the Wizard of Oz. Since lions are supposed to be "The Kings of Beasts," the Cowardly Lion believes that his fear makes him inadequate. He does not understand that courage means acting in the face of fear, which he does frequently. Only during the aftereffects of the Wizard's gift, when he is under the influence of an unknown liquid substance that the Wizard orders him to drink (perhaps gin) is he not filled with fear. He argues that the courage from the Wizard is only temporary, although he continues to do brave deeds while openly and embarrassedly fearful.

Recently, I had a delightful conversation with one of my female clients who is also one of the smart women I am privileged to have in my professional circle. We were talking about sales (what else?) and prospects being hesitant to buy when she pointed out that the lack of courage is often the reason why people don't buy. She said that if she had a wish, she would send a bottle of courage along with her business proposals. We then   continued to chat about courage in general, The Wizard of Oz and my client then suggested that I write a blog about it, so here it is.

Let's look at the Wikipedia definition of Courage


Courage is the ability and willingness to confront fear, pain, danger, uncertainty, or intimidation.

Pretty straightforward and clear, but what lies underneath?

People who are not courageous are usually afraid. Afraid of the consequences of their actions (not understanding that not taking action also has consequences), afraid of trying something new, afraid of their own courage.


How much courage does it take to choose a new product/service?

My client who is the CMO of a newly established brand with a very compelling concept is trying to break into the marketplace and their offering is clearly new, innovative and of enormous value to consumer brands who in turn want to introduce their products. The approach is affordable, fun and with a clear benefit to CPG companies and the end consumer. So, why doesn't the approach fly off the shelve? Because most people don't have the courage to introduce a new concept and being a first adopter. It takes a lot of guts to take the first step. It's a lot easier to follow but also more predictable and boring.

There is a really good saying that I quote a lot and that is "Nobody ever gets fired for hiring IBM". IBM is a well established company with huge brand recognition. Let's just say (for the sake of the argument) that there are companies out there who offer the same solution as IBM but even better and cheaper, it would still be hard to sell. I know that, because some of my clients have tried.


Why is it easier to buy from a known brand?

There is no risk involved. Even if the solution turns out to have some areas of improvement, it's still a safe bet and whoever made the decision to buy will hardly be questioned. But imagine, you are buying from a newly established company and there is problems. That choice might get a decision maker in trouble if things turn out the way they were presented.


The Courage potion

On the other hand, choosing a new company not only helps diversity but also innovation. When my client said that she would like to bottle up a bit of courage in a bottle and send it to her prospects, just so they take the leap of faith and explore her new offering she really meant it. Sometimes it's wise to stay with the "devil you know" but it's also important to choose carefully and give new kids on the block a fair chance. If we live our life or do business, always trying to be on the safe side we will not be able to grow or innovate. The most courageous people are the ones who changed our thinking and the way we live. Nobody would have thought 30 years ago that a handheld device will help us to navigate through most situations, from getting driving directions to finding a good restaurant. I remember the times when people were afraid of computers and now grandmothers are on Facebook (for better or worse).  


Courage also helps sales people

In sales we often lack courage as well because of the fear of being rejected and not wanting to lose the sale. Many times sales people accommodate rather than push back. They oversell because they don't want to lose the sale, forgetting that overpromising will have long-term effects.

Courage is essential when doing business in a successful way. Most successful people had to overcome ridicule and criticism and they had to muster up an enormous amount of courage to prevail. There is no success without failure and without courage we just stay mediocre.


About Monika D'Agostino

I am the Chief Consultative Sales Officer of the Consultative Sales Academy. My goal is to help companies and individuals grow their business through a mindful, consultative sales approach. My background was not in sales and to this day I believe that it has worked to my advantage. I learned the ropes by copying things that I liked and avoiding approaches that I disliked. The secret to my success is humor, tenacity and perseverance and following a Consultative Sales Process!You can reach me at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
or call me at: 203 299 1645 Find me on LinkedIn at:

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19 October 2013

Created: 19 October 2013
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author-Jeffrey Gitomer






Fifty-Year High School Reunion.-Seems like yesterday.

I graduated from Haddonfield Memorial High School in 1963. No computers, no cell phones, no internet, no email, no texting, no credit cards, no cassette tapes (let alone cds), and no cable TV.

How the hell did I survive? By playing ball every day after school. By riding my bike. By being active. Oh, that.

Back then, Haddonfield was a middle/upper middle class town of 12,000 with a high school of around a thousand kids. All smart.

DRESS CODE: If you wore blue jeans to school, they sent you home.

It was a different time.

Kennedy was president. Our history teacher made everyone subscribe to The New York Times, and every day he assigned us reading. The thing I remember most were the weekly Kennedy press conferences. They published the entire text. Kennedy had an amazing sense of humor. I devoured every word.

Part of the reunion weekend included a Saturday tour of the high school. Amazing to think about how big it looked back then, and how small it looked today. It looked like a page out of Catcher in the Rye.

And on Sunday there was a memorial service in honor of our fallen classmates. Friends. Good friends. Happy and sad all at once. And the reality that age is setting in.

After the service almost no one left. We started talking about high school and some of the teachers and classes. Funny stories, escapades, sports teams, assorted social events, and recounting memories of our departed friends.

Within a few minutes, the talk took a surprising turn. Each person talked about a teacher that impacted them. So many of the stories were similar – we were grateful for the teacher or teachers that emphasized writing and grammar. English. (The language currently undergoing a complete overhaul through the mediums of email and texting.)

Personally, I had a teacher my freshman year that gave a grammar test on the use of words EVERY DAY. They’re, there, and their. You’re and your. They were lessons banged into our heads – until through repetition, every kid got it. Me included.

Little did I know that 30 years later it would be the foundation for my writing career.

How’s your grammar?

How’s your use of your and you’re?

How’s your use of to and too?

Are you aware of how important grammar is when you put your emails, texts, blog posts, Facebook posts, and tweets out into the SMS and cyber world?

My classmates and I sang a chorus of appreciation for the grammar lessons. Although at the time those everyday tests and lessons were being given, every student complained.

For a moment I flashed on what would be happening in the same situation today. Parents complaining about too many tests. Teacher’s unions balking about too many papers to grade. Kids texting and protesting about abusive educational practices. And pressure forcing a “testing policy” to be fair to everyone.

Talking with a friend of mine tonight about the grammar lessons from high school, he said, “Whenever I see a grammar error in the subject line of an email, I delete it without opening it.”

NOTE WELL: Your grammar is a reflection of your image. Good or bad you have made an impression. And like all impressions, you are in total control.

NOTE WELL: It’s the little things. It’s the details. Your look, your image, your quiet confidence, your presentation skills, your knowledge of the customer, and your writing skills that include your grammar. And salespeople think it’s the big things. Like the price of what you’re selling and your sales techniques.

YOUR NEXT REUNION: GO! Not just to see the people, but also to remember and be grateful for the lessons that shaped your future.

My reunion was an affirmation that I got a great fundamental and foundational education – and then had enough sense to implement the information. I hope you did, and you do, too.

Jeffrey Gitomer is the author of twelve best-selling books including The Sales Bible and The Little Red Book of Selling. His new book, 21.5 Unbreakable Laws of Selling, is now available. For book tour dates and information about training and seminars, visit or email Jeffrey personally at  

© 2013 All Rights Reserved. Don’t even think about reproducing this document

without written permission from Jeffrey H. Gitomer and Buy Gitomer. 704/333-1112

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01 October 2013

Created: 01 October 2013
Category: /?id=45





Luckman's Law: Don't let anybody bully you, including your own ego.

The funny thing about this Luckman's Law is that for most, we still allow others to bully us. It could be a boss, your co-workers, your customers or maybe even your spouse.

Nobody should be a bully and nobody should allow others to bully them.

The best response that I've found when confronted by a bully is to fight back. I'm not talking about swinging a right hook. I'm talking about standing up to the bully and let them know you aren't going to stand there and take their crap. Most bullies depend upon their victim to cower in fear, and that's because most do. But your average bully doesn't expect you to respond in such a drastic fashion. And when confronted, typically backs down.

Now, let's talk about a more insidious bully. Your ego. You see, my belief is that your ego is not your friend. Never has been and never will be. Your ego is there simply to compare you and your possessions to others. When you compare favorably you feel good. On top of the world. Ready to conquer any challenge. But when you are compared unfavorably, when you don't measure up, the first emotion you feel is fear. Fear that you're not good enough, rich enough, talented enough, deserving enough or whatever. When the fear comes your confidence goes. You feel uncertain and begin to doubt yourself, your talents and your abilities. And then, when your confidence disappears, expect your self-esteem to follow.

Your ego uses your voice to tell you things that others have said, and lead you to believe were true about yourself. But the majority of what your little voice tells you are lies. Someone in your distant past, when you were too young to argue, planted the seed that you were in some way inferior to others, perhaps even defective. You accepted it because you thought it was the truth. Now I'm telling you, it's not.

The bad news is that you probably have a strong ego that gains pleasure in putting you down. The good news is you can eliminate your ego. A Course in Miracles discusses this in great detail, but it really is just a matter of refusing to listen to your ego. When that little voice starts talking to you you have a choice. You can listen and let its words take hold in your conscious mind and feel fear, or you can say to your ego, thanks for the advice, but no thanks. And let those negative thoughts disappear. It may take some time for your ego to finally listen to you. So, never never give up.

With Love, 


To purchase Michael's best selling book, Overpowering Fear - Defeating the #1 Challenge in Sales and Life:

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