Last week I was sitting down at the kitchen table responding to several inquiries regarding my book. After roughly 45 minutes, my focus started to drift off course. I began to read random posts from professionals that comprise my LinkedIn network. One post struck me; it read, “Benefits are 100% of the reason that a buyer would make a purchasing decision.”
After reading this post, I began to cringe in my chair as I glared at the computer screen in front of me. I was even more shocked when I realized the gentlemen who posted the comment branded himself as a sales trainer and a professional coach. Simply put, you cannot effectively sell on features and benefits when you don’t understand how the features and benefits will directly impact your client’s business in a significant way.
Too often, I see sales professionals selling on features and benefits without thoroughly understanding the client’s business and without successfully conducting a client interview. It certainly is a common mistake that many sales professionals make. But, please, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS interview the client! Understand their immediate goals, long-term vision, growth strategy, position in the market place, and lastly, understand what stress points you can correct.
If you thoroughly interview the client, it will be far easier to position your features and benefits for success. Instead of bragging about how cool your products are, discuss how your product is going to tangibly improve the way your client conducts business.
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