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Written Emelio Sebastian
We have all heard the Army’s famous commercial slogan, “Be all that you can be…in the Army”. The implication here is that you have not yet become all that you can be, but with the help of the army you can become something more than you are now.
This is called The Potential Principle. Potential, like a seed, lays dormant within us waiting for us to take a leap of faith. What do you see when you look at a seed? Do you see the seed or do you see the potential within the seed to become a flower, a tree or even a forest? Can you see the carving within a block of wood or the sculpture within the stone? Someone does.
It is not about what is, but about what can be. It is not about who you are now, but about who you can become. It’s not about what you have done, but what you have yet to do. You have not yet reached your full potential.
Like the seed, potential is always present waiting to be released from its container to become what it was created to be.
Everything was created with potential including you. You are what you are now, but you are not yet all that you can be. You have not yet done all that you are capable of doing. Potential demands that we never settle for where we are, who we are, or what we have accomplished. There is always more to do or to be. What does your future hold? The decision is yours.
We are responsible for what we do with the potential that resides within us.
True potential is all about discovering what you were born to do and then doing it! You already possess your true potential. If we don’t become all that we are supposed to become, or do all that we are supposed to do, what will the world miss out on? Let’s get to it!
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